Powerful Tree Borer Protection
Landscapes in many areas often feature trees that are susceptible to wood-boring insects like the Bronze Birch Borer, Dogwood Borer, and invasive species like the Emerald Ash Borer and Southern Pine Beetle. Since these pests usually target mature trees, they can severely damage your outdoor property. To protect your valuable trees from borers, we provide several approaches including:
1. Soil Drench Systemics – This treatment is applied to the root zone and distributed throughout the vascular system of the tree, effectively inoculating it against attack. This yearly treatment includes fertilization at no additional cost and can be done during spring or fall.
2. Trunk Injection – This treatment provides extended control and is best for larger trees that are over 20 inches in diameter. The treatment materials are injected directly into the trunk at the root flare and provide two years of control.
3. Trunk Drench Treatment – This treatment involves a combination of systemic/contact control that is applied directly to the tree trunk. We time this application to coincide with peak activity, and it is often used as a booster shot after a soil drench or trunk injection treatment. It is translocated throughout the tree quickly and provides a powerful boost.